Saturday, November 1, 2008

Simply saturday

Today is Saturday and I have to work half day…I had my bath around 10.00 am, feed my kittens and went to work early…suddenly just craving for Apple bees when I can’t joined Syed Shah and Eni Diana last night..

I went up to my office, put all my things and went to the Apple Bees restaurant underneath my office…I ordered a steak and white peach shangria as drink…after done my lunch…I ordered another plate of salad for take greedy am I…

my lunch...

santa fe chicken salads...just bought it because it was the brand name of my car

I switch on my pc and start doing my work while putting all the foods next to me…I just put all the kerepek from Eni Diana last night and start doing my work and at the same time….eating…

photo of me with lots of foods beside me

I just received an email from my auntie who live in Kajang, Selangor, she was being a silence reader before…she worried because from my blogs, seems like I just sound sad and demotivated…this is just a little bit of her quotation..

“Why so sad? Jangan mengharap pada mahluk, mahluk tak ada kuasa nak bagi kita kebahagiaan, hanya Allah saja yang boleh bagi kita ketenangan, dan kebahagiaan hidup. Jaga solat, doa dgn Allah supaya diberi petunjuk dan ketenangan .Each of us is brought in this world for a purpose, Allah does not create us to live in vain. Jangan putus asa dengan hidup ini Izam, Every muslim Allah create is special and precious, dont feel otherwise. Everything you experience is a nikmat given by Allat taala, even the small act of lifting your little finger is also a nikmat that cannot be given by anyone except allah. Be thankful for the air you breath, the water u drink, the food u eat, be thankful to Allah for giving u another day to live and appreciates His rahmat. You are brought to this world for a purpose, U have given us so much joy and sadness too. We are here for you.
Please don’t forget to sedekah zikir to arwah mak, today dates 3 weeks she has left u”
Take care Izam (my nick name in family), we love u”

After reading it…I just feel better for a while and remember that there’s somebody still loving me in Malaysia..thanks for everything..I do know that family love is the thing that can’t be lost forever..and I can accept that….it just I’ve being stubborn and want to prove to myself that I can get the love in the way I want….until when I just don’t know..

I just got another fun email from my friend, but this Is just a question on who’s the person sitting at the top of the world now… U.S President , George Bush ? NO.. Osama Bin Laden? NO UN General Secretary ? NO Pope Benedict ? NO…but the answer was quite funny when they said…an Indian name BABU was the man who sitting at the top of the world because at the moment, he was the crane operator for the top most floor for the tallest building in the world now….Burj Dubai

Burj Dubai tower in the making

After office, I went to the site office pick up my friend and went back home...fortunately Yunus didn't want to play hide and seek my thing today..if not..I might spend at least 10 minutes to find my things...After fetch my friend..we went to Tahera restaurant in Bur Dubai to had our dinner and I've ordered chicken tika with briyani..huh...

plain briyani

chicken tika

After dinner, around 9.00 pm, I went back home, had my bath and get to sleep after updating my blogs....lately i use to got headache and I don't know why...may be I did thinking too much..

until next post...

1 comment:

Mother of Two said...

byk tu stok mkn dia.. hohoho